ESN International

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is one of the biggest student associations in Europe. It was born on the 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange.

It is present in more than 1000 Higher Education Institutions from over 40 countries. The network is constantly developing and expanding. We have around 15,000 active members that are in many sections supported by so called buddies mainly taking care of international students. Thus, ESN involves around 40,000 young people offering its services to around 350,000 international students every year.

ESN is working in Higher Education (HE):

  • offering services to 350,000 students
  • 15,000 active members (40,000 with the buddies included)
  • mainly on a volunteer basis
  • with an average annual growth rate of 12% since 2005

ESN is operating on three levels: local, national, and international.

ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing the student exchange from different levels and providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ("internationalisation at home").

(info taken from


ESN Åbo Akademi

ESN vid Åbo Akademi r.f. (also known as ESN Åbo Akademi or ESN ÅA) is the official ESN section of the Erasmus Student Network at Åbo Akademi University, the only Swedish-speaking multidisciplinary university in Finland. It was founded 1994 and is the second oldest ESN Section in Finland.

Together with ESN Uni Turku, it is one of the tow ESN sections currently active in Åbo (Turku, in Finnish). It organizes trips, both within Finland and abroad, cultural events, parties, sport events, etc.

The section doesn't limit its program to Erasmus incoming students, but also to all exchange, international degree and outgoing ones. It is open to all the international minded students of the city!