Welcome to the Britannica & ESN sitz party!
Sitzing is a form of partying that students in Finland live by! A sitz consists of singing, drinking, eating, talking, more drinking, and having awesomely fun! After the official sitz there is an after party with crazy dancing and more drinking! It is amazeballs.
WHAT? Britannica & ESN's Sitzing for Dummies-sitz
WHEN? Tuesday, September 20th, 7pm - doors open at 6:30pm
WHERE? F (ask the hosts for directions if you don't know the place)
HOW MUCH? 12€ members (ESN & Britannica members), 14€ non-members (alcohol-free: 10€ or 12€)
DRESSCODE? Come as you are! (but wear your overall if you have one!)
The sign up (http://
20/09/2016 - 19:00 to 21/09/2016 - 18:45
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