Did someone say Road Trip to Russia? St. Petersburg is not enough for you? Let’s go all the way to Moscow!


Join us on this epic journey to the heart of Russia. In one week we’ll take you through St.Petersburg, Novgorod and Moscow. The local guides will show you all the good sights and places to be. Meet up with fellow ESN student from all over the world and let’s have some fun in Russian style!


Don’t have a visa? Don’t worry, we’ll help you apply for one.

Check this link for more info on how to get your visa and what’s included in the trip!



For questions and other information contact Timetravels Customer service for assistance via Helpdesk or customerservice@timetravels.fi or via phone +358 10 421 8990, during office hours Mon-Fri 10.00-17.00.

Cost of the phone call is 0,09 €/call + 0,17 €/min + international call charge (for calls outside Finland)

25/10/2016 to 01/11/2016