ESN & NN arranges a sitz and afterparty at the 19th of October with 90s theme! This is something that you don't want to miss! Exchange students and local students partying together, the perfect opportunity to getting to know each other!

Exchange students: a sitz is a very traditional student event to do here so you want to try it out!

Local students: You don't want to miss the chance of getting to know and making contacts around the world!

WHAT: Sitz with AFTERPARTY: theme 90s
WHERE: Vegas Night Club
WHEN: 19.10, Sitz: at 6.30 pm sharp! Afterparty: After 10pm
WHO: Sitz: only people who signed up, Afterparty: EVERYONE
HOW MUCH: Sitz 12€ for NN and ESN members. 14€ others. Afterparty only 3€! Student friendly drink prices!

We have 80 seats for the sitz and the sign up is going to open Monday 10.10 at 12am. We are going to post the sign up links here. There is no sign up for the afterparty, you can just show up!



NN ordnar tillsammans med ESN en sitz med temat 90-tal på Vegas. Här finns en perfekt chans för dig att lära känna årets utbyteselever och skapa kontaker i världen! Det ordnas också efterfest på Vegas!

VAD: 90 tals sitz och fest
VAR: Vegas nattklubb
NÄR: 19.10, sitz: kl. 18.30, efterfest efter kl.22
Hur mycket: 12€ NN/ESN medlemmar, 14€ icke-medlemmar. Efterfesten kostar 3€. Studentvänliga drink priser.

Det finns plats för 80 stycken ivriga sitzdeltagare. Anmälningen öppnar måndag 10.10 kl. 12. Alla ryms med på efterfest!

Vi ses där! :)

19/10/2016 - 18:30 to 21/10/2016 - 03:45